It may have been a Bank Holiday, but the Press Team never rest. Here are some of the releases they sent out yesterday that aren’t covered elsewhere in our pages;
Farron: FAZ report on May’s Juncker dinner show this Govt has no clue on Brexit
According to damning reports in the German press on Theresa May’s dinner with Juncker last week, EU sources believe there is now more than 50% chance of a disorderly Brexit, while May has made clear to the European Commission she fully expects to be re-elected as Prime Minister.
Liberal Democrat Leader Tim Farron commented:
These reports blow a massive hole in Conservative party’s arguments. Theresa May chose a divisive hard Brexit, with Labour’s help, and now has no idea what to do next. This government has no plan and no clue and this shows it starkly. This election offer us a chance to change the direction of our country and prevent a disastrous hard Brexit.
Farron: May on Juncker shows “dangerous complacency”
Responding to Theresa May’s comments that damning reports in the FAZ on her meeting with Juncker were “Brussels gossip,” Liberal Democrat Leader Tim Farron said:
Theresa May’s lack of denial suggests these damning revelations about her approach to Brexit were largely accurate. This government is showing dangerous levels of complacency over an issue that will define our country for generations. Britain desperately needs a strong opposition to stop a catastrophic hard Brexit and hold this government to account. The only way to stop a hard Brexit and ensure a decent, strong opposition is to elect more Liberal Democrat MPs on 8th June.
Lamb: Health Committee report shows Govt is shortchanging children on mental health
A joint report by the Health and Education Committees published today (Tuesday 2nd May) has found schools and colleges are having to cut back on mental health services.
Norman Lamb, Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Secretary and a leading mental health campaigner, said:
This report exposes the shocking gap between this Conservative government’s rhetoric on mental health and the reality for families up and down the country. It is scandalous that much of the additional funding for children’s mental health secured by the Liberal Democrats in 2015 is not getting through. Vulnerable children and teenagers are being short-changed of the money needed to improve mental health services. Sadly, mental health is often the first area which loses out when budgets are tight. Until the government commits to providing more long-term funding for health and social care, this mental health crisis will not be tackled.
Report on Brexit and nuclear industry, Cable responds
Former Liberal Democrat Business Secretary Sir Vince Cable has responded to a report by the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee which warns that the government has left the UK nuclear industry at risk, and must act urgently to ensure its continued operation post the government’s planned Brexit.
Sir Vince Cable said:
It is madness to pull out of Euratom, a monumental waste of time and money. The report makes clear that leaving will threaten power supplies. It shows the dogma of the Conservative Brexit ultras that they are prepared to risk power supplies, trade and research just for misguided ideological reasons.
The report also warns of the danger of the UK becoming a post-Brexit dumping ground for energy inefficient products, which shows that the Conservative hard Brexit poses a clear threat to climate change.
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