I have nothing but sympathy for Omar Salem, the dad who confronted Boris Johnson today. Watch the video on the Guardian, here. Omar’s wee one is only a week old, but was admitted as an emergency. When she got to the ward, she wasn’t seen by a doctor for hours. I can’t imagine Omar would have got much in the way of sleep.
It is absolutely terrifying when someone you love is seriously ill. You need to have confidence in the care that they are getting.
I know.
Three years ago, my husband was very seriously ill and spent 51 nights in hospital. He had some superb care from truly exceptional people. But occasionally things went wrong. This was invariably because of under-resourcing.
I’ll never forget the day that I was on the ward at just before 5pm and I saw one of the health care assistants getting ready to serve dinner. She had been on night shift the day before until 8am that morning. Because the ward was so short staffed, she’d gone home for a couple of hours’ sleep and gone back in to do the lunches because there was nobody else to do it.
That is simply not safe – for her, mostly.
Other stuff went wrong as well. I won’t give you the gory details, but if you only have one person of a particular grade on duty overnight in an entire hospital, they can’t be everywhere they are needed and vital stuff just doesn’t get done.
If Nicola Sturgeon, or then Health Secretary Shona Robison, had turned up on the ward on one of these days, I might well have given them a piece of my mind. As a worried wife, and a human being, not as a Liberal Democrat.
And if I had done that, I reckon Shona and Nicola would have shown me some kindness. They’d have asked questions and listened. Because they are actually kind and empathetic human beings, and because they know that it is important to handle these things well.
They would not have argued with me and then walked off with an eyeroll as Boris Johnson did to Omar Salem today. I
The way the Prime Minister behaved was inexcusable and yet another example of why he is not fit to be Prime Minister. That was no way to treat a worried Dad of a tiny, sick baby.
I hope that Omar’s wee girl is getting better and is soon home.
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings