Yesterday my attention was taken by this excellent video of a young man talking about his experiences with Depression posted on the BBC’s The Social Facebook page.
I then found out that Ben is not only a Lib Dem member but he is our Council candidate for the ward of Monifeith and Sidlaw in Angus and you can follow him on Facebook here.
When I was at school and dealing with debilitating bouts of Depression, I couldn’t talk about it to anyone because you just didn’t back then. I had no idea that others felt the same way. It would have been so reassuring to have someone like Ben sharing their experiences and talking about the resources and services that helped them.
One of his big priorities is to make sure that there are better mental health services locally. He is also the mental health rep for his university
We are so lucky to have candidates like Ben who are so articulate and have so much empathy and desire to help others. Let’s hope that he gets elected in May.
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings