We have all be shocked by the revelations about the inappropriate treatment of elderly patients at Gosport War Memorial Hospital. Here is Norman Lamb talking about the way the NHS closed ranks when he was Health Minister, and how he called for the enquiry that has just been completed.
We also have some quotes from him:
The findings are shocking and devastating in equal measure – both in terms of the 456 patients who had opioids prescribed inappropriately, but also the disgraceful closing of ranks to stop families from getting to the truth.
Never again must we allow a situation to develop where ordinary people are left in the dark, ignored and not listened to.
We must ensure that there is some mechanism to guarantee that whenever allegations of wrongdoing are raised by people, they are listened to and their concerns are investigated thoroughly.
I will be asking to meet with the Prime Minister, together with those families affected, to discuss the implications of this report.
The campaigner, Gillian Mackenzie, lives in Stephen Lloyd’s Eastbourne constituency, and he has been writing about it in The Independent. “Ten years ago, a woman told me about the deaths that were happening at Gosport. I struggled to believe her – then I read what she’d gathered“
He writes:
I will keep up the fight so the individuals at the centre of this web of horror are brought to book and one day, I hope, face their accusers in court.
* Mary Reid is a contributing editor on Lib Dem Voice. She was a councillor in Kingston upon Thames and is a member of Federal Conference Committee.