Lie is not a word anyone in politics uses lightly. But Lib Dems Lords Health and Social Care spokesperson Sal Brinton used it today in response to Michael Gove’s interview on the Andrew Marr Show . But this lie that the Gvt has already put a protective ring round care homes is a lie direct. […]
sal brinton
LibLink: Sal Brinton; The NHS can’t work without a sustainable social care system
As the NHS turned 70 this week, Sal Brinton looked back at the development of social care policy and outlined the Government’s failings: … since 2015, the new Conservative Government has dithered and delayed, repeatedly promising that they would sort out the social care funding problem. We still await the Green Paper promised in the […]
LibLink: Sal Brinton: Ministers must protect our NHS against privatisation
This week, Sal Brinton and others argued in the House of Lords that action was needed to ensure that Brexit didn’t open the door to privatisation of the NHS. She wrote about the issue for The House magazine: If you asked most people what effect Brexit would have on our health service, regardless of how […]
How Brexit will harm our NHS and social care
So, I’m drifting back to LDV slowly and gradually. My husband is now recovering from his heart surgery at home. It’s still quite incredible to think that only 10 weeks ago, he was enjoying his best health in years. All that changed with what we thought was Flu but turned out to be an infection […]
How Brexit will harm our NHS and social care
So, I’m drifting back to LDV slowly and gradually. My husband is now recovering from his heart surgery at home. It’s still quite incredible to think that only 10 weeks ago, he was enjoying his best health in years. All that changed with what we thought was Flu but turned out to be an infection […]
How Brexit will harm our NHS and social care
So, I’m drifting back to LDV slowly and gradually. My husband is now recovering from his heart surgery at home. It’s still quite incredible to think that only 10 weeks ago, he was enjoying his best health in years. All that changed with what we thought was Flu but turned out to be an infection […]